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About FOP Lodge 597

Welcome to the official website of the Jason Conklin Memorial Lodge # 957 located in Orange County, New York.  Our lodge is named in honor of P.O. Jason D. Conklin, Village of Tuxedo Park PD, who made the ultimate sacrifice and perished in a line of duty police vehicle accident on August 21, 1997.  The Lodge was formed shortly after Jason’s tragic death and has grown to well over 600 members, representing 35 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. We are one of 2200 local lodges located throughout the country that comprise the National Fraternal Order of Police, which is the largest law enforcement organization in the United States with over 325,000 members. Membership is available to only active and retired sworn law enforcement professionals.   


One of the central missions of our Lodge is to ensure that the fallen officers of the Orange County law enforcement community are never forgotten. To further this goal, our lodge has erected and dedicated two memorial walls at the entrance of the County Courthouse that list the names of the 26 members of the Orange County law enforcement community that have died in the line of duty. We are also dedicated to honoring the families of these fallen officers for their sacrifice and courage, which we do with a memorial service every year. Our other main objective is to promote fraternal, social and charitable events among the law enforcement community and foster good relations between all members of law enforcement. We advocate on the behalf of police related issues and concerns using the legislative and political process. Finally, we encourage our members to remain well versed and proficient in matters of law and firearms use through the LEOSA/HR-218 program.   

© 2023 Jason Conklin FOP Memorial Lodge 957 Monroe, NY

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